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Monday, September 27, 2010

Meez 3D avatar avatars games
Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Cartoons, avatars-Oh My!!

In the past few days, I decided to add a cartoon widget to the blog and an avatar. They are my personal created cartoons and avatars. Hopefully, they have put a smile on your faces. I am constantly tinkering to see what I can put on my blog. Looking for things that will be light and airy, interesting, inspirational, informational and even with some controversy mixed in. There are so many mediums to choose from that I welcome them all. It is like returning to childhood and having my hand in the cookie jar, wanting more and more. So, keep coming back and perhaps, you will find surprises, something different, that you and I, can use to turn our imaginations into a reality.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video

Live aid - 1985 Usa For Africa - We Are The World

I'll Go On In Faith (Twinkling Little Star) -LDS Music


Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart, Sting - All For Love

James Taylor & Carole King - You've Got a Friend (HQ) (Uploaded by Torni...

CAROLE KING (Live) - I Feel The Earth Move

ORIGINAL Elephant Painting

Twin Baby Boys Laughing at Each Other

Real bears playing Hockey

The Sneezing Baby Panda

I Need Thee Every Hour

Gregorian Chant - "Salve Regina"

Andrea Bocelli tells a "little story" about abortion.

Sister Briege McKenna, a nun with the gift of healing and who ministers ...

Fatima Portugal 1917

Oberammergau Germany

Elmo and Andrea Bocelli

Andrea Bocelli - Ave Maria (Schubert)

THE PRAYER with Lyrics_Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli

Beginners guide to thinking outside the box...


I just can not wait to think outside these boxes...

Box figures -a way to think outside the box...

How to Draw People Using Boxes |

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oldest Roman baths in Asia Minor discovered in Sagalassos

ScienceDaily (2010-09-10) -- An archaeological team has discovered the oldest Roman baths in Asia Minor known to date in Sagalassos, Turkey. Sagalassos was inhabited as a city until the 7th century AD, when it was destroyed by earthquakes.

Lotus11 Love For Words And Music

Lotus11 Love For Words And Music

Why thinking of nothing can be so tiring: Brain wolfs energy to stop thinking

Why thinking of nothing can be so tiring: Brain wolfs energy to stop thinking

NewsDaily: Wind could have parted Red Sea for Moses: report

NewsDaily (2010-09-21) -- Moses might not have parted the Red Sea, but a strong east wind that blew through the night could have pushed the waters back in the way described in biblical writings and the Koran, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday.

Asian 'unicorn' photographed for first time in over 10 years

Asian 'unicorn' photographed for first time in over 10 years

Metropolitan Museum of Art - Upcoming Special exhibition...

Mosaic Floor (detail). Roman, ca. A.D. 300. Excavated at Lod (Lydda), Israel. Stone tesserae. Israel Antiquities Authority and the Shelby White and Leon Levy Lod Mosaic Center. Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority.
The Roman Mosaic from Lod, Israel
September 28, 2010–April 3, 2011
John A. and Carole O. Moran Gallery, Greek and Roman Galleries, first floor
Learn about a special lecture program scheduled for October 3.
Search the calendar for related events.

Monasticism in Medieval Christianity | Thematic Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Monasticism in Medieval Christianity | Thematic Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Collections of Bodies/Bones;Incorrupt Saints on display...

The Dead on Display

Wall of bones and corpse,
Capela dos Ossos, Portugal. Photo Creative Commons License Mick L.

Bone chandelier in the
Sedlec Ossuary; corpse in Capuchin Catacombs.

St. Clare
The body of St. Clare (d.1253) is on display (with a wax mask) in the
Basilica di Santa Chiara in Assisi, Italy.

Padre Pio's body on display
The body of San Padre Pio (d.1968) has been on display in
Giovanni Rotondo
since April 2008 for the 40th anniversary of his death.

Here is where they lie-Graves,tombs and shrines...

Graves, Tombs and Shrines

Below is a guide to the resting places of saints, spiritual leaders, artists, and other notable folks associated with religion or religious places. Some are traditional burial sites where the remains may not actually reside, but they remain important as a place to focus veneration for the person's influential life. In the case of saints, it is believed that praying at the shrine can bring miracles and healing. See also Dead on Display for incorrupt bodies, mummies and other relics left out in the open for viewing.

Visiting Catholic Shrines...

Catholic Shrines

Catholic shrines are sites that Roman Catholics consider sacred and to which they make religious pilgrimages. Catholic shrines include historical sites associated with Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and various saints; the locations of relics associated with Christ or a saint; and the sites of visions, miracles or miraculous statues. This category includes all the Catholic pilgrimage sites profiled by Sacred Destinations so far.

Let's go on a pilgrimage-to where?

Could it really be the first church in the world?

Archaeologists unearth ‘first church in the world’ in Rihab

A picture shows a cave under Saint Georgeous Church in Rihab near Mafraq, where early Christians are belived to have taken as a shelter from persecution in Jerusalem. Circular-shaped stone seats, supposedly for the clergymen can be seen in the cave (Photo by Rula Samain)
A picture shows a cave under Saint Georgeous Church in Rihab near Mafraq, where early Christians are belived to have taken as a shelter from persecution in Jerusalem. Circular-shaped stone seats, supposedly for the clergymen can be seen in the cave (Photo by Rula Samain)

By Rula Samain

They say you can find God in the smallest of places...

Tiny Churches: Get Out Your Magnifying Glasses

Church designs to feast your eyes on...

50 Most Extraordinary Churches of the World

Good news on stem-cell front

Good news on stem-cell front

Exorcism- still alive and well in the Roman Catholic Church?

Exorcism: It’s on the big screen, but is it still in the church?

Neither a boy or a in to social pressure?

Afghan Boys Are Prized, So Girls Live the Part

Second time around-God cleaning out his house, if true...

Vatican Bank Tied to Money Laundering Scandal

Pius XII’s secret network to help save Jews discovered

Pius XII’s secret network to help save Jews discovered

Need a vacation-how about sharing it with Catholic Volunteer Network

Catholic Volunteer Network, established in 1963, is a non-profit membership organization of 200 domestic and international volunteer and lay mission programs. Currently, more than 10,000 volunteers and lay missioners serve in these programs throughout the U.S. and in 108 other countries.

Pallottine Priests-St. Jude Shrine

For over 80 years the Pallottine Priests and Brothers have welcomed countless visitors to St. Jude Shrine, the Nationwide Center of St. Jude Devotions, located in the heart of Baltimore, Maryland.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blogging black and blues, but coming up smelling like roses...

The past several days I have been rolling with the punches and the glories in starting up this blog. However, the compilation of blogs do's and don'ts, seem be taking the wind out of my sails. One of my assets, not, is being patient with understanding all this jargon. How to add this, how to add that, seems at times overwhelming to this novice. My eyes are starting to twitch from going back and forth from one search to another. The advice from the experts for a successful blog are flying above my radar. I am not feeling at ease and tension is starting to become a familiar friend. My neck, of course my head is coming with it-- is sliding from one corner of my shoulder to the other corner of the shoulder--hands placed in a position on my face to still my head from rocking so hard. At that point I took a break, ate something light and started on the blog once more. Those fingers of mine, which were getting tired from hitting the keys harder than usual were dancing a new tune. They were lighter on the keys and playful. I even stopped to look up and notice that the sun was still beaming its rays so elegantly. In the next two seconds, I opened the closed window and allowed the warmth and the breeze to come and fall on my face. Smiles and more smiles turned into hearty laughter. Thoughts of negativity were no longer in sight. Positive juices were flowing...I was starting to understand more than less. Growth was finally being recognized. I had moments of victory and I figured it was a good time to end this post on a high note. Tomorrow, is another day for which I will be looking forward to more wonderful rewards with less conflicts. Just waiting to apply my thinking out of the box, but baby steps are still in order. I keep telling myself.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Did you see that slab of Art-Arizona Rocks

Are we making individual markings saying we were here?

Arizona Rock Art

Unravel the mysteries of Arizona's petroglyphs, carved into the stone …

Desert Ladies Return Home

Power to you ladies...back to the desert you go...peace be with you!

San People

After 60 years in exile, three sisters return to the home that was …

Visiting the slow life and living it up...

Perserving the slow life...what is a slow life?--bring me to that land...

Slow Food

As founders of the slow food movement, these towns in Chianti want to …

Is your house or business run down, try...

Italian houses and buildings that play tricks on your eyes...

Eye Trick Town

In Italy, what you see is what you get ... or is it? Meet artists who …

Green turtles Friday night dance-athon...

Looking for a Friday night dance partner--look no further!

Turtle Dance

Green turtles gather near Dirty Rock, Roca Sucia, off Cocos Island's …

Frogfish takes a walk after being turned down

Now for a fishy blues...

Frogfish Blues

Easily mistaken for a sponge when standing still, this frogfish--a …

Geotourism-higher road now taken...

I am pleased to see that travel consultants like myself, tourism professionals, and travelers are on the right road, on the same page, towards being responsible in being stewards of the majestic world we live in-- God's gift for us and future generations...

Geotourism: The Future of Travel

Learn about a new way of travel that combines the pleasure of …

Kitchen Counter with a whale of a design...

Now this was an interesting find...

Fossil Found in Kitchen Counter

May 5, 2009—After a factory had found a 40-million-year-old whale …

Tornado all fired up and twisting with anger...

Have you ever seen a film or experience seeing a fire tornado in person?

Fire Tornado Filmed in Hawaii

September 10, 2010—While battling a blaze on the slopes of Mauna

Photos: World's Biggest, Strongest Spider Webs Found

Photos: World's Biggest, Strongest Spider Webs Found
All summer long I have been encountering spiders while just walking or doing garden work--how would you like to meet up with one of these babies?

Tip toeing around my eggs-Senate Bill on Food safety is stalled...

Fix me up that egg now, but maybe politics are scrambling things up again...may have to wait until November--end of elections?

Senate Bill on Food Safety Is Stalled

Space travel is soon around the corner-Up for the ride?

Now would you take the opportunity if the price was right?

Possible Route: Cape Canaveral to International Space Station

Paris in the celebrating mood for the American Writer

Paris Celebrates the American Writer

Museum prices takes a day off nationwide...

My take on it is that it should be for a month and for two....

Free Admission to Museums Nationwide

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blessed Saint Raphael, Archangel, Pray for Us

One of my favorites that I love to share:

Blessed Saint Raphael, Archangel,
We beseech you to help us in all our needs
and trials of this life,
as you, through the power of God,
didst restore sight and gave guidance to young Tobit.
We humbly seek your aid and intercession,
that our souls may be healed,
our bodies protected from all ills,
and that through divine grace we may become fit
to dwell in the eternal Glory of God in heaven.
St. Raphael, guide of travelers, pray for us.
St. Raphael, endowed with the grace of healing, pray for us.

Miracles still abound at Death's Door

Miracles still abound at Death's Door

At death's door, miracle's still abound
I see the beauty from another ones eyes
Love in the purest form radiates all around
Tears of joy and sadness roll into one
Raphael, Michael and Gabriel angel three
giving praise and glory to God,
waiting to welcome one home
But wait, breathe once more comes into the shell
Prayers of healing have been heard
a witness, a testament to loving divine intervention
In this age of so much despair,
Abba, hears his child's cries
At death's door, miracle's still abound
Glory to God in heaven where he reaches down
to remind us of his unconditional love
His mercy and peace blinds our thoughts
we become child-like once again in his presence
Warmth from his hugs reminds us
we felt them before like, no other since then
At death's door, miracle's still abound

Angels Come and Angels Go...

Angels Come and Angels Go...

Confusion and chaos rules this world
but there are hints of workings behind the scenes
discernment and peace changes the tides
Miracles are many and Love does conquer
So hear this Angels, I proclaim...
Angels come and Angels go
Humans come and Humans go
Christ love stays...
Christ love endures...
Christ love eternal...
Angels so dear, Angels to fear,
Angels I hear, Angels I question
Are you at the footsteps of the wooden cross
I ask for thy intercession, do you freely give assistance
or must I labor and endure
Is thy will at the heart of God's will...will I recognize the difference...
Will you lead me away...lead me astray
Will I recognize the deception...know the deceit
How do I discern the spirits that surround me,
that guide me, that tempt me in the ways of good and evil
Which footing or path do I cross, do I trip and fall
Are the foundations of my faith sturdy or shaky
Many ways are given to speak to your Angel,
some easy and some too intense.
Some say by prayer, some say in quiet meditation
Could it be that easy to let go-to feel at ease,
to talk and listen to something unseen
So hear this Angels, I proclaim...
Angels come and Angels go
Humans come and Humans go
Christ love stays...
Christ love endures...
Christ love eternal...
Spirits everywhere, around me and circle me
Lights, water, colors, incense, are markers they say,
Is it true that those are the ways to find your Angel--
to have your contact, to have your guide...
Angels so dear, Angels to fear,
Angels I hear, Angels I question
Are your angelic workings, Godly intentions,
Do they sing truths, do they trumpet the truths
Will my spirit insight of discernment
does the Angelic purity lose its life,
does it bind me or allow me to praise,
does it breathe God's love,
does it move and bear witness,
does it lead me to the wooden cross-
does it make me feel, at home with my Lord
So hear this Angels, I proclaim...
Angels come and go
Humans come and go
Christ love stays, endures and is eternal...Amen

Restless thursday night reveals make-over in future...

Friday, oh so sweet, however, had a restless evening last was as if I was fighting the urge to sleep, because, I would not be the same person upon waking up. It was like fashioning my own take on the,"Invasion of the Body Snatcher", movie of 1954... Did you ever allow your imagination to actually run amok, take you over? You, find yourself in another time take on another role besides yourself. You mold yourself, morph yourself, to another being, sometime a villain, sometimes a hero and sometimes the victim. You find yourself in another land, back in history or in the future. You are time traveler. Flashback time-- Do you recall, The Jetson's and their car, the one that flies in the sky and folds into a suitcase. My take, would be a high-end sports car with the roof down, definitely not a, "Flintstones" model. Fast-forward-- You wake up and realize that either you have been in heaven or hell and back. Waking up this morning, I started to ponder the meaning. Sometimes, I choose not to even figure it out and roll with it. Sometimes, looking for a sequel and sometimes wanting to kill it off. But, this time, with Fall around the corner and Summer coming to a close, last night thoughts all verge on acquiring a fresh new make over. Therefore, my mind, body and spirit was telling me something, it was time to ???.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vatican Museum Nightly Shows for September and October

HomeVatican Nights: Beauty goes on show

Blogging thoughts-starting out the gates with a smile on my face...

It is evening now, little after eight o'clock and my first day at blogging is almost over. I had a great time starting out in putting this blog together, still a mighty green behind the ear. There is so much to learn and to share. So much wisdom and to say it politely, there is much garbage out there to sift through... Even that garbage, is worth repeating to arrive at a balance, a strong foundation in where your footing should lie.
I always felt there was a need for an oasis. A place to be able to go to, to see the many sides of a story. Even if that story is so far from ones own thinking. A place to sift out the cobwebs, a place to grow and learn without strong words being voiced from opposing sides--calling one names, etc... I know you all have experienced that one time or another.
There will be mistakes made along the way in this blog, I welcome it for growth-a learning curve, but I ask for your patience and understanding while I make footprints along this path-even if this path tends to fork off, have rocks and stones whereby, I stumble--I will, I really will, get my footing down, if all the saints, angels and God is by my side-but I didn't say tomorrow or the next. It is just another journey that I take with you my friends. Be kind, I ask. Offer up some prayers and maybe that we, yes, including I, will be surprised that it will come sooner than later.There are miracles...I really do believe in them...

Mid-day check-in with thoughts off going bald

Now it is mid-day, several clouds hanging around in a sky that is mostly dominated in blue. The trees with their green leaves just slightly stretching towards the sun and waving to us down here. The streets and sidewalks quiet just waiting for the children to come off their school buses and the cars to be driven to some place warm and inviting. After my morning green tea, life went along pretty smooth, no bumps in the road. However, my spirit became tested when things were not going according to plan. Sometimes, you find that the simple things to you are not simple to those around you or who you are speaking to you. Frustration pours out, however, you firmly keep it in check. And, you figure, perhaps after the fifth person you spoke to on a particular subject, a light just may come on with the sixth and they get it. Of course, in this particular situation, I am in the right of way. Not saying, I am always on the straight path but sometimes you do have to invent other passages to get your message across...right here, I am gonna stop a second, pull out some hairs on my head. I am fine now and can move on until I find that urge again--the new style, I hear is bald...well, the work day is almost over and another day, God willing, will be coming. Looking forward to when this particular subject runs dry and victory is at hand. Day dreaming at the moment to a special hideaway...

A shout out to start my first morning of blogging...

Having some green tea and deciding on the next adventure in my life...What will that be?