Angels Come and Angels Go...
Confusion and chaos rules this world
but there are hints of workings behind the scenes
discernment and peace changes the tides
Miracles are many and Love does conquer
So hear this Angels, I proclaim...
Angels come and Angels go
Humans come and Humans go
Christ love stays...
Christ love endures...
Christ love eternal...
Angels so dear, Angels to fear,
Angels I hear, Angels I question
Are you at the footsteps of the wooden cross
I ask for thy intercession, do you freely give assistance
or must I labor and endure
Is thy will at the heart of God's will...will I recognize the difference...
Will you lead me away...lead me astray
Will I recognize the deception...know the deceit
How do I discern the spirits that surround me,
that guide me, that tempt me in the ways of good and evil
Which footing or path do I cross, do I trip and fall
Are the foundations of my faith sturdy or shaky
Many ways are given to speak to your Angel,
some easy and some too intense.
Some say by prayer, some say in quiet meditation
Could it be that easy to let go-to feel at ease,
to talk and listen to something unseen
So hear this Angels, I proclaim...
Angels come and Angels go
Humans come and Humans go
Christ love stays...
Christ love endures...
Christ love eternal...
Spirits everywhere, around me and circle me
Lights, water, colors, incense, are markers they say,
Is it true that those are the ways to find your Angel--
to have your contact, to have your guide...
Angels so dear, Angels to fear,
Angels I hear, Angels I question
Are your angelic workings, Godly intentions,
Do they sing truths, do they trumpet the truths
Will my spirit insight of discernment
does the Angelic purity lose its life,
does it bind me or allow me to praise,
does it breathe God's love,
does it move and bear witness,
does it lead me to the wooden cross-
does it make me feel, at home with my Lord
So hear this Angels, I proclaim...
Angels come and go
Humans come and go
Christ love stays, endures and is eternal...Amen